
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Podcast Episode 11 - The Future Like Ours Argument

Back by popular demand....(download here)

Not quite. I actually recorded this over a month ago, but I added a new bit at the start and hope to do some more over the coming weeks. This one is about Don Marquis famous future like ours argument, which is generally considered to be the most significant secular argument against abortion. Should be of interest to anyone looking at applied ethics or, more generally, at the structure of philosophical argumentation.

The Tooley-Marquis dialogue that I refer to during the podcast is here.


  1. Excellent! I've been waiting for you to continue the Philosophical Discursions podcast. I even started to think that maybe you abandoned this series. I'm glad to see it's kicking again and I hope you didn't forget about fan requests from long ago :D

  2. I tried on ITumes to get the podcast! bring it back!

  3. I'll try to set it up with iTunes again. Don't know why it got deleted. Maybe the problem is that the feed seems to include all posts on the blog.

    Anybody know how to set up a podcast only feed with blogger? I mean, I can set up a feed no problem, but I can't seem to make it podcast only.

  4. I've resubmitted the podcast feed to iTunes. Hopefully it'll be up and running in a couple of days.
