
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Anticipating Automation and Utopia

On the 11th of January 2020, I will be giving a talk to the London Futurists group about my book Automation and Utopia. The talk will take place from 2 to 4pm in Birkbeck College London. The full details are available here. If you are around London on that date, then you might be interested in attending. If you know of anyone else who might be, then please spread the word.

In advance of the event, I sat down with the Chair of the London Futurists, David Wood, to chat about some of the key themes from my book. You can watch the video of our conversation above.

I can promise that the talk on the 11th won't simply be a rehash or elaboration of this conversation, nor indeed a rehash of any of my recent interviews or talks about the book. I'll be focusing on something different.

1 comment:

  1. hopefully you will (be able to) share the Jan 11 presentation as well.

    I am looking forward to digging into your blog. so far I have only heard you on Embrace the Void.
    I thought I got what you were saying did not understand the reason Aaron thought(?) defining work by frame work rather than by task Created rather than solved a definitional issue. so I am certainly missing something.
