
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Favourite Posts?


Hi everybody,

So this blog has been up and running for over 18 months. In that time I've published over 320 blog posts. That isn't a staggering level of productivity, but since most of the posts are pretty substantive I guess it's something to be proud of.

Anyway, since I have a reasonable back catalogue upon which to draw, I've been thinking about putting together a "best of" Philosophical Disquisitions-post. I might also consider compiling and rewriting the better stuff into a pdf ebook (free, of course) if there's any interest in that.

But I need your help. Since I can't be a dispassionate judge of what I've written, I need you to tell me what your favourite posts are. If you'd like to do this, then please tell me what you like in the comments section below. I'd be most appreciative. And if you want to give some reasons as to why you like particular posts, that'd be all the better.


(By the way, if you're stuck for ideas or if you can't remember all the stuff I've written, then you can always go to the contents page. I'm updating now so everything should be available there pretty soon.)


  1. I quite liked the "Who Wants to Live Forever? Agar on Negligible Senescence" series.

  2. Hard to tell... It's all been so good! I suppose a page with links to all your "philisophical discursions" episodes would be helpful (unless it already exists).

  3. I really liked your: Posts on the Philosophy of Mind, The End of Skeptical Theism series and also Griffiths and Wilkins' When do Evolutionary Explanations of Belief Debunk Belief. The Miracles series is also a great read but I think you should also write about the use of Bayes theorem in this field before considering adding it in the book.

    PS: Related to the Miracles series, I thought you might want to know there is an upcoming book by Philipse (see the link)

  4. Robert,

    Thanks. I think it needs a bit of a rewrite, but I enjoyed going through Morriston's stuff.


    Just those two posts on Agar or the whole series? I'm still working on the conclusion.


    There is indeed a page with links to all episodes of the podcast. Just check out the "Podcast Index" on the contents page (available via the tab up above).


    Thanks. I think the End of Skeptical Theism series will have to make an appearance in a best of. And you're right: the stuff on miracles is too incomplete right now.

  5. Congratulations on 18 months, John!
    You really have got a fantastic blog here.
    My favourites are your series on philosophy of mind and some of your posts on the topic of God and morality.
