This is the fourth episode in the Algocracy and Transhumanism Podcast. In this episode I interview Evan Selinger. Evan is a Professor of Philosophy at the Rochester Institute for Technology. He is widely-published scholar in the ethics and law of technology. He is currently working on a book with Brett Frischmann entitled Being Human in the 21st Century which is due out with Cambridge University Press in 2017. In this interview we talk about two main topics: (i) the ethics of technological outsourcing and (ii) the value of privacy and the nature of obscurity.
You can listen to the podcast below. You can download the mp3 here. You can also subscribe via Stitcher and iTunes.
Show Notes
0:00 - 1:25 - Introduction to Evan
1:25 - 8:50 - What is algorithmic outsourcing? The fundamental structure of outsourcing
8:50 - 14:50 - Technological and non-technological examples of outsourcing
14:50 - 18:50 - Cognitive vs Affective Outsourcing
18:50 - 28:00 - Outsourcing interpersonal communications
28:00 - 32:20 - Objections to the outsourcing of interpersonal communications
32:20 - 41:00 - Is this a problem with technology or something technology encourages?
41:00 - 45:50 - What is privacy?
45.50 - 53:45 - What is obscurity? How does it relate to privacy?
53:45 - 1:02:20 - Is obscurity under threat?
1:02:20 - End - Isn't privacy dead? Shouldn't we embrace total transparency?
- 'The Outsourced Lover' by Evan Selinger, The Atlantic
- 'Today's Apps are Turning us Into Psychopaths' by Evan Selinger, Wired
- 'Outsourcing your Mind and Intelligence to Computer/Phone Apps' by Evan Selinger, IEET.
- 'Don't Outsource Your Dating Life' by Evan Selinger, CNN
- Allo - Google Messaging App
- 'Surveillance as Loss of Obscurity' by Hartzog and Selinger
- 'Obscurity and Privacy' by Hartzog and Selinger
- Crystal - app for determining psychological profiles
- 'Philosopher Michael Lynch Says Privacy Violations are an Affront to Human Dignity' by Evan Selinger
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